Recipe from Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Julia says "Fine for all types of fresh pork. This is our favorite, as it tenderizes the pork and accentuates...
This is a recipe that's great to serve to a large group of people. Double or triple the recipe and its awesome for a gathering of friends and family. You...
This salad is a copycat of the salad served at Rich & Charlie's Restaurant in St. Louis. They serve it out of a barrel so the lettuce is a little wilted,...
My cousin Susan and I agree that most good cooks tend to make a recipe their own. For example, when Susan and I make Applesauce cake with the whiskey icing,...
This white chili recipe was given to me by a neighbor and is the best one I have found. When making it, I use lowfat sour cream, lowfat or fat free half...
Many folks who are not from the South shudder at the thought of eating grits. I hope that anyone who is of this nature will try this recipe--it is not...
Ever want the thing you love and the other thing you love at the same time? Shake Shack has a knack for giving us that. Cheeseburger and 'Shroom Burger...
Fall weather puts me in the mood for comfort food such as casseroles, but I don't want all the calories that usually come with them. So I paired cod with...
I'm not a huge potato salad fan, but I do enjoy it prepared this way. It's like a fully loaded baked potato in salad form. Cooking time included chilling...
The obvious advantage of twice-baked souffles is that they can be made the day before. These spinach souffles reheat perfectly, with a light texture and...
I love ham loaf. This looks like a good appetizer version of a favorite so I am putting here for safe keeping! Servings is approximate depending on size...
Per Whole Foods website, "Welcome spring--or vegetarian guests--to your table with this delicious main-course recipe that is destined to become a favorite...
Grilled or barbecued chicken is popular as a common street food and as a restaurant specialty across Thailand but the best and tastiest comes from Isan...
I was looking for a recipe to use parmesean cheese rinds and found this recipe. The rind is the outer edges, furthest away from the center, of cheese that...
This tasty recipe is similar to one I saw on The Food Network. This soup is full of texture, and is not pureed like a traditional Caldo Verde. I often...
Sounds fancy and it is, but it is actually easy to make. This is not an every night side dish but it is great to serve for a dinner party. It is nothing...
A one-pot meal that is so easy and succulent, you'll wonder why you never cooked it before! This roast chicken is bursting with running juices and is a...
This recipe is from my cookbook from The Stinking Rose restaurant in San Francisco. As the name implies, garlic is their featured ingredient. DH and I...
This recipe is based upon my recollection of Marlena De Blasi's Tuscan Wild Boar recipe in her book "A Thousand Days in Tuscany." (My copy of that book...
This dish was made for my family by the daughter of family friends who stayed with us while her parents traveled back to Poland for a few weeks, we were...
This is a relatively simple vegetarian lasagna that has a sweet taste, and has a fabulous flavour. It's a great dish, totally delicious and even kids who...
Tigerduck set the ingredients nicely to Celebrate Chinese New Year beginning February 18 is called the Spring Festival! Year of the Pig! Chicken symbolizes...
This is from Southern's Living "30 Years of our Best Recipes" cookbook. If you want to serve an elegant dinner for 4 -- this would be a great choice. I...
This soup is so thick you'll only need some of your favourite crusty bread to make it a complete meal. This makes a huge amount of soup so get out your...
After New Years, I had leftover ham and wanted to use it up. I love Herbs de provence, potatoes, ham and peas and decided to make a quick and easy casserole,...
Every good cook needs a recipe for Chinese Chicken Salad at her fingertips. I thought I'd share mine with you. The dressing is divine. This never fails...